Facilitating students of KU to make the greatest impact possible

Doing Good In A Way That Actually Counts

The world can feel like a place with endless problems, the realization of which can extinguish the little light of hope and courage in millions of people to contribute to the world. As effective altruists, we assume the responsibility to stop this light in us from flickering and turn it into a raging fire instead that will bring about drastic social impacts while inspiring and enabling others in the same in Nepal and the world- starting from KU students.

EA Kathmandu University is the first Effective Altruism student chapter in Nepal that aims to facilitate KU students in making the greatest possible impact on the world.

What is Effective Altruism?

Effective Altruism is a world-wide movement with the core motive of solving the world’s most pressing challenges in the best way possible taking the grounds of high quality evidence and proper reasoning.

Our Vision and Mission

We envision creating a community of KU students to learn about EA as a philosophy and a community while using evidence and careful reasoning to maximize their social impact by choosing high-impact careers.

For this, we aim to provide high-quality resources and a platform for discussion for KU students to understand the principles of effective altruism.

What do we do?

  • Organize “Introduction to EA” programs for new audiences.

  • Organize “Introduction to EA Fellowship” and other in-depth fellowship programs.

  • Posting in EA forum training

  • Career Advising

  • Publish Newsletters

  • Publish and update Job Boards

  • Organize various other relevant events

  • Conduct research activities for local cause prioritization and on local charities